Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sweet Summertime

School started this week and it's always bittersweet. On one hand, I am excited for new opportunities, friends and activities, but on the other hand, I am saddened by marching on of my time with my children. It never fells like marching, though, more like jetting, or rocketing. Tonight, I got nostalgic about our summer. Yes, nostalgic and yes, it just ended 4 days ago. I tell you, I am a loon right now. What a sweet summer it was:

We watch some cute little dancers strut their stuff.

We sent an adventurous girl to camp.

A brave girl learned to ride her bike.

We snuggled A LOT!
We slept in.
We made bubble gum.
A beautiful girl modeled for a cute clothing company.

Two beautiful girls modeled for mommy's side project.

This cutie modeled for the camera.
Her brother did not.
Eleanor modeled for her sister's side project which consisted of sneaking into the laundry room and gluing a sticker to a onesie.

AND the girls danced a lot....
 But the boys were non-participatory.


  1. Haha! Love the dancing videos!

  2. It was a fun summer! Hey, is your site up yet? What's the name of it? I wanted to look at it :-)
