Thursday, August 30, 2012


Folks, I am a mother of 4. Therefore, I give a lot of unsolicited advice and recommendations. There were times when someone older and wiser (not that I am either) would give me a little nugget of wisdom that would land on me like a rain shower in a parched desert. In 20 years, I might have some good little nuggets. Right now, I am passing on a recommendation.

My mom called me the other day to tell me about a client she has that works for a Christian media company. Knowing that my mom have four young grandchildren, she said she would be bringing by some videos. Cool! Free videos. This is what we got:

What's in the Bible is made by the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer. These are as entertaining as Veggie Tales and jam packed with theology and good bible teaching. It cleverly uses wit to deliver great biblical truths. My kids have been in church since they were born and actually learn NEW THINGS from these dvds. This series walks straight through the Bible (there is even a Leviticus DVD) and teach. How badly our children need this. Can I do this at home with my Bible? Yes. Will they remember 1/4 from my rantings and teachings as they would learn from this dvd? Absolutely NOT! I loved how the Exodus dvd explained salvation:



Also, I am not getting paid for this. I am just loving the product!

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