Saturday, July 28, 2012


Folks, we are hopping on the bandwagon. Michael and I (mostly I, I am still talking Michael into it, but I know he won't be able to resist) are starting a blog. Here are the details:

Who: Michael and Sara Shea

What: This is the single most reason I have yet to start a blog. I could not decide on a theme. Is it going to be a family blog? Funny blog? Spiritual blog? I decided Michael and I are not in-the-box type thinkers and themes are a drag. This is going to be a catch all blog. Hold onto your panties, you never know what you will find.

When: Yet another stumbling block for our new internet voice was WHEN. We have four kids and no time. This should be interesting.

Where: World Wide Web

Why: Why, in the world, do I think the web needs two more voices? I have been thinking long and hard-not clearly mind you. Did I tell you I had four kids? A list of things we bring to the blog table:

1. Measure of intelligence- I used to be smart, I think. I have 3 National Latin Exam Gold Medals. I keep them in my office to remind myself I used to be able to think clearly enough to take tests and take them well. Michael, more than I, has managed to hold onto his intellect. He is a rocket scientist. I know this not because  I have any clue what he does all day to bring home the bacon, but one day while arguing one of his main points of argument was that he was one and I was not. 

2. Witty- Here again, a lot of my wit has seen it's better days, but I think we both would not be able to survive this life without our wit. I thank God for that. 

3. Great material- I daily marvel at how God decided to place 4 vivacious kids all under the care of 2 parents. We continued to have kids just to see if he would give us a normal one. We gave up at 4.

Things I cannot promise:

1. Great pictures- Most, if not all, of our pictures might very well come from another website. Copied and pasted. 

2. Great grammar- Time and mental constraints will prevent proper sentence construction and word usage. 

3. That this blog will go beyond the first post. 

Things I can promise:

1. Transparency- We are going to try our bests to be transparent. One of the reasons I was not starting a blog was because I am impatient and have no time to make it look great. In addition to that, our main camera  in the Shea family is a point and shoot with a broken display screen. I might be the only person in Alabama who is looking through the view finder on their point and shoot to take picture. This block in my wanting to start a blog is more of a true depiction of WHO Michael and I are and WHERE we are in life than have a beautifully designed blog with great pictures. We are cheap and will not shell out the money for a great camera and we lack the time to make it look really pretty. 

2. A couple of broken people clinging to the cross of Christ going through life with the Holy Spirit ministering to us as as we go . Michael and I will, from the onset of this blog, let you know that everything good in our life comes not from us (refer to reasons 1-3 of "What we bring to the table.") or anything we do, but from God (James 1:17) and His grace. Thus the blog title. We will be pouring out to you, the grace that God pours in our life. 


  1. I love this! I am really personally really excited about this new blog! Love you guys and miss you!

  2. This is great!! I awaite your next blog!
